Shandon - Misfits testo lyric

29/01/2019 - 12:28 Scritto da Shandon Shandon 295


In the middle of the night their spirit lives
Air is getting sickly like a crypt
We're living closed together in a big coffin
With the same insane idea
In days gone by we have heard they say
But the Misfits now are here - now are here
In the echoes of my mind I can hear them scream
Pervading horrifying everything
But if you wanna taste the fear
You'd better bow your head
And wait for it


La canzone Misfits si trova nell'album Punk.billy.ska.core (2 cd) uscito nel 2000 per Ammonia Records, V2 Records Italia.

Copertina dell'album Punk.billy.ska.core (2 cd), di Shandon

L'articolo Shandon - Misfits testo lyric di Shandon è apparso su il 2019-01-29 12:28:08


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