Shandon - Revenge testo lyric

29/01/2019 - 12:28 Scritto da Shandon Shandon 295


Our train was running fast
But you have never left
And your eyes have seen you were the weak
We cannot stay away
Maybe you'll never realize
I don't want too late

I can live without you
I couldn't stand without you
Do you think I'm goin' on and on?

I've handled all my life
When you're looking still confused
Overcome by your too many tears
And I wanna be relieved
Be myself in everything
And I want my train

I can live without you
I couldn't stand without you
Do you think I'm goin' on and on?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Revenge di Shandon:


La canzone Revenge si trova nell'album Live 2004 uscito nel 2010 per Ammonia Records.

Copertina dell'album Live 2004, di Shandon

L'articolo Shandon - Revenge testo lyric di Shandon è apparso su il 2019-01-29 12:28:08


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