Shandon - Taxi Driver testo lyric

29/01/2019 - 12:28 Scritto da Shandon Shandon 295


Travis taxi driver
That's his job for the night
An occupation for his life
Everlasting fight
Sick of living with insomnia
She's the enemy to fight
Clean the taxi it's time to drive
There's too much scum around
There's too much scum around
There's too much scum in this town lay it underground
There's too much scum around
There's too much scum around
Maybe Betsy is the way to get out
But he's not free
Travis taxi drivere
There is job for the night
An occupation for the time
Everlasting fight
Draw your conclusions it's time to react
Blow up their heads get a reward
But you're not free


La canzone Taxi Driver si trova nell'album Punk.billy.ska.core (2 cd) uscito nel 2000 per Ammonia Records, V2 Records Italia.

Copertina dell'album Punk.billy.ska.core (2 cd), di Shandon

L'articolo Shandon - Taxi Driver testo lyric di Shandon è apparso su il 2019-01-29 12:28:08


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