Shandon - Videogame testo lyric

29/01/2019 - 12:28 Scritto da Shandon Shandon 293


World of videogames
With the games of space
You nedd it for living alone
And your mental condition surrounds itself
In a visual controlled device
Your belief is that this game is educative
But the only desire is to push the button
And the higher score is the only thought
A new dimension,world invasion
What's living in your mind
Think of your time many hour repressed
To live in a better way
Another day,another game
Another level to go beyond


La canzone Videogame si trova nell'album Punk.billy.ska.core (2 cd) uscito nel 2000 per Ammonia Records, V2 Records Italia.

Copertina dell'album Punk.billy.ska.core (2 cd), di Shandon

L'articolo Shandon - Videogame testo lyric di Shandon è apparso su il 2019-01-29 12:28:08


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