Sharasad - Decatoria testo lyric

11/04/2024 - 16:12 Scritto da Sharasad Sharasad 6


Listening to the dirty din
Of Sin City streets
It’s concrete weight after hours

The window ajar
To let the outside air in
While chain smoking to the whirring sirens soundtrack

Of harpies in heels
Clucking and squealing
Midnight’s past
Black rubber tires burnt from black boulevards
Vehicular collisions’

Sounds stalagmite, metallic crunch
Against the hum of sleeping traffic signals
This hollow city like a wide amphitheatre
With the occasional Harley motorcycle’s
Growling thunderous fuss
Waking car alarms
Growling thunderous fuss

Yet the desert night’s sirocco
Moan outside my 2nd floor apartment window
In dark rooms

Where silence is a deep listener
And my mind a curious wanderer
The walls not only keep out
But carry every

Conversation in such a cryptic void
A spark is gleaned
A firefly wisp of an epiphany
We are not separate
We are unread books
In dark rooms
Waiting for the absolute
Truth’s boon we find in one another

To be known
To be keenly seen igniting
Past horrors louder pains
From this city that strips us
Our pages like windowpanes in dark rooms:

No matter how ugly the chapters
We will have known
Joy being your emblazoned story
Is also mine…


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Decatoria di Sharasad:


Decatoria è una persona che vive della quiete e della ripetizione della propria quotidianità. Le scene decadenti non sono altro che riferimenti noti, coordinate che definiscono la propria esperienza, elementi che danno senso a ciò che si conosce. Non c’è morale, non c’è interpretazione, solo osservare attraverso il fumo lo svolgersi dell’inevitabile.


Decatoria is a person who thrives in the stillness and repetition of his everyday life. Decadent scenes are nothing more than well-known references, coordinates that define one's experience, elements that give meaning to what one knows. There is no morality, no interpretation, only observing through smoke the unfolding of the inevitable.


Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed and mastered by Francesco Landi at Take Away Studios (MO - ITALY)
Music and lyrics by: Sharasad
A&R: Marcello Venditti
Artwork: Mattia Fundarò
(P) Overdub Recordings
(C) Sharasad
Sharasad are Lorenzo Balestrazzi, Gabriele Campioli, Edoardo Cavalletti, Lorenzo Corcione, Filippo Ferrari
Label & management: -
Press office: Maria Varricchio -
All rights reserved - unauthorized copying, ripping, hiring or rental of this cd strictly prohibited


La canzone Decatoria si trova nell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole uscito nel 2024 per Overdub Recordings, Ingrooves(Virgin Music)/Universal.

Copertina dell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole, di Sharasad

L'articolo Sharasad - Decatoria testo lyric di Sharasad è apparso su il 2024-04-11 16:12:48


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