Sharasad - Horror Vacui testo lyric

11/04/2024 - 16:12 Scritto da Sharasad Sharasad 6


Stuffing all the space
Emptiness is worthless
Thin out all the haze
With self-inducted vagueness
Boredom’s flowers

And then just go (with)
Little bit of (rushing)
Little bit of (bluffing)
Then your rooms come tight and there’s no way to hide

Light fails and shadows race,
Echoes in our night's embrace.
I ended this, now starting it all over again
The precipice beckons, l'appel du vide sway,
Untethered, falling in disarray.
Enveloping tendrils, dreams entwined,
Despair's ballet, absence that can be find.

Shooting out the sun
That which used to be mine
Nothing lights the way
floating in a sea of grey
Boredom’s flowers

And then just go (with)
Little bit of (bluffing)
Little bit of (nothing)
Then your rooms come tight and there’s no way to hide

Light fails and shadows race,
Echoes in our night's embrace.
I ended this, now starting it all over again
The precipice beckons, l'appel du vide sway,
Untethered, falling in disarray.
Absence can’t be find

Uuh, uuh, uuh
Wear out your world, empty your mind, nothing
stands out like the third
Quick now the tears, rain down from the sun,
whenever the moon shows its smears
Uuh, uuh, uuh
Uuh, uuh, uuh


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Horror Vacui di Sharasad:


Una stanza piena per riempire lo spazio dei pensieri indesiderati è la scena che apre Horror Vacui. Sembra dire “riempi la noia, non indugiare, fai, vai, guarda, ascolta”. Ma la stanza si stringe e i pensieri rimangono, e più rimangono più intorno il resto appare migliore. Il vuoto da riflessione diventa distrazione, ci si cancella nella propria presunta inferiorità. Come il sole patisce il proprio buio che lascia splendere la luna, così nessuno è immune al verde del giardino altrui.


A room full of unwanted thoughts is the scene that opens Horror Vacui. It seems to be saying: 'fill the boredom, don't linger, do, go, look, listen'. But the room narrows and the thoughts remain, and the more they remain, the better the rest appears. The emptiness from reflection becomes distraction, one erases oneself in their own self alleged inferiority. Just as the sun suffers its own darkness that lets the moon shine, so no one is immune to the greenness of someone else's garden.


Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed and mastered by Francesco Landi at Take Away Studios (MO - ITALY)
Music and lyrics by: Sharasad
A&R: Marcello Venditti
Artwork: Mattia Fundarò
(P) Overdub Recordings
(C) Sharasad
Sharasad are Lorenzo Balestrazzi, Gabriele Campioli, Edoardo Cavalletti, Lorenzo Corcione, Filippo Ferrari
Label & management: -
Press office: Maria Varricchio -
All rights reserved - unauthorized copying, ripping, hiring or rental of this cd strictly prohibited


La canzone Horror Vacui si trova nell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole uscito nel 2024 per Overdub Recordings, Ingrooves(Virgin Music)/Universal.

Copertina dell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole, di Sharasad

L'articolo Sharasad - Horror Vacui testo lyric di Sharasad è apparso su il 2024-04-11 16:12:48


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