Sharasad - Indra testo lyric

11/04/2024 - 16:12 Scritto da Sharasad Sharasad 6


Out of fiery contacts
Rushing auras of steel
Touching and whirled apart
Out of the charged bodies
Of iron leaping
Female and male,
completed, melted, one
fused into electricity

You hit me like a bolt right out of the blue
Every time I show my wool
And every time I try not to
The lightning fights the drowning night sky high
Rubber men don’t know why
What do you mean with “I’m shy, shy, shy”?

Deep in foundation of my assent nature
To taste all the volts is not that immature
I’ll wait
In the meantime, outside
Pamper yourself with strangers’ little sparks
Sail to the island where I make the marks
I’ll wait
But forever is a lapse that rhymes with Sludge

So, shock ourselves instead
All I think I’ve ever found is now stuck back in the ground
All the lights beyond that whirl fright the witches down the hill so
Shock ourselves instead and I’ll plug in
Walk the river while the blue veins still flow in

Seven bright rays bedeck her bow,
Seven great rivers from her flow.
Thunder-armed, quick to ire,
She, in vengeance swift and dire,
Laid the proud enemies low,
Heaven-aspiring impious foes!

Earth and sky confess her sway,
Trembling hills obeisance pay.
Wielder of the bolt of heaven,
Be to her libations given.
She accepts this Soma wine,
Listens to this lay of mine!

She accepts this Soma wine,
Listens to this lay of mine!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Indra di Sharasad:


Gli umani cercano la compagnia dei propri simili per creare scintille, e godere dell’eccitazione facile e piacevole che fomenta il proprio orgoglio, galvanizza. Eppure, quelle stesse scintille che rendono impavidi e scanzonati spariscono in un lampo quando ci si misura con Indra, l’elettricità inaspettata scaturita da un incontro più o meno casuale. Viscerale, annichilente, si scatena improvvisa tra due persone ignare, imperfette, sconosciute. La scelta è semplice: soccombere alla paura paralizzante del riconoscere un’alchimia vera e potente o lasciarsi folgorare?


Humans seek the company of their fellows to create sparks, and enjoy the easy and pleasant, galvanising excitement that foments their pride. And yet, those same sparks that make you feel fearless disappear in a flash when measuring against Indra, the unexpected electricity that arises from a casual encounter. Visceral, annihilating, suddenly is unleashed between two unsuspecting, imperfect, unknown people. The choice is simple: succumb to the paralysing fear of recognising a true and powerful alchemy, or let yourself be electrocuted?


Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed and mastered by Francesco Landi at Take Away Studios (MO - ITALY)
Music and lyrics by: Sharasad
A&R: Marcello Venditti
Artwork: Mattia Fundarò
(P) Overdub Recordings
(C) Sharasad
Sharasad are Lorenzo Balestrazzi, Gabriele Campioli, Edoardo Cavalletti, Lorenzo Corcione, Filippo Ferrari
Label & management: -
Press office: Maria Varricchio -
All rights reserved - unauthorized copying, ripping, hiring or rental of this cd strictly prohibited


La canzone Indra si trova nell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole uscito nel 2024 per Overdub Recordings, Ingrooves(Virgin Music)/Universal.

Copertina dell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole, di Sharasad

L'articolo Sharasad - Indra testo lyric di Sharasad è apparso su il 2024-04-11 16:12:48


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