Sharasad - Odysseus testo lyric

11/04/2024 - 16:12 Scritto da Sharasad Sharasad 6


The sweet echoes of the Siren's song,
The innocent tones of deadly wrong,
Any man would be lured away,
though none lived to see another day.
No man, that is, apart from one,.

It seemed necessary, one had to be bury
She came with one cherry, looked like
They felt Machiavellian, mermaid or reptilian
“These are poisoned seas, block the whole
crew’s ears”

He tied himself to the mast of his ship,
For he knew he would not sustain his grip,
He waited patiently as they neared by by,
They feared, they feared, they feared.

Lend me your fears
Your heart has been pierced
Sweet for your ears
Love me, you drear
Lend me your fears
Your heart has been pierced
Sweet for your ears
Love me, you drear

The closer to the monsters he came,
The stronger their powerful call became,
It was harder and harder to resist,

The persuasive creatures reached out,
Clearing away any trace of doubt,
He went to join them in the sea,

“She won’t let me drown,
She’ll have the crown”,
Odysseus was fooled by hounds

“She won’t let me drown,
She’ll have the crown”,

Once they were past the fatal call,
He climbed up to join them all,
Together they returned home again,
Where he was finally able to explain.

To this day Odysseus is still,
The only man who had the will,
To truly listen to the deadly tune,
They feared, they feared, they feared

Lend me your fears
Your heart has been pierced
Sweet for your ears
Love me, you drear
Lend me your fears
Your heart has been pierced
Sweet for your ears
Love me, you drear


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Odysseus di Sharasad:


In Odysseus l’eroe viene sopraffatto dalla propria umanità, e cede alla curiosità di toccare con mano l’oblio, scoprendo che il canto delle sirene è solamente una notte d’amore. Ritornato a casa, Odisseo professa la propria purezza, il cuore rimasto nella tempesta, nelle orecchie il richiamo.


In Odysseus, the hero is won by his own humanity, and succumbs to the curiosity of touching the edges of oblivion, discovering that the sirens' song is nothing but a night of love. Back home, Odysseus professes his own purity, his heart still in the storm, the chanting in his ears.


Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed and mastered by Francesco Landi at Take Away Studios (MO - ITALY)
Music and lyrics by: Sharasad
A&R: Marcello Venditti
Artwork: Mattia Fundarò
(P) Overdub Recordings
(C) Sharasad
Sharasad are Lorenzo Balestrazzi, Gabriele Campioli, Edoardo Cavalletti, Lorenzo Corcione, Filippo Ferrari
Label & management: -
Press office: Maria Varricchio -
All rights reserved - unauthorized copying, ripping, hiring or rental of this cd strictly prohibited


La canzone Odysseus si trova nell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole uscito nel 2024 per Overdub Recordings, Ingrooves(Virgin Music)/Universal.

Copertina dell'album Tales From the Rabbit Hole, di Sharasad

L'articolo Sharasad - Odysseus testo lyric di Sharasad è apparso su il 2024-04-11 16:12:48


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