Biografia SHIO-Z

05/10/2013 - 01:46 Scritto da SHIO-Z SHIO-Z 1
project by Patrick, as a possibility to express at the best; sounds, visions, sensations and multimedial stuff ... in Synth-New-Retrofuture-Wave-80s style

Project started by Patrick in 2006 as a possibility to express at the best; sounds, visions, sensations and multimedial stuff ... in a Synth-New-Retrofuture-Wave-80s style.
In 2009 begins to make live-performances maded by music, voice, video and body ... and then later begins preparing entire concerts with performances. Simultaneously produces several video clips. Throughout the period 2007 and 2013 find collaborators to increase the range and potentiality: Pluse Ensure, Igor & Agnese, Switchblade, Fabio Mittino, Giovanni Mantoan, Valerio Badioli, Plaisance, Vincenzo Salvia

SHIO-Z project finds its artistic-intentions in a conscious fusion of more elements and the result is an experience of several displays of expressions filled in one single synaesthetic sensation.


L'articolo Biografia SHIO-Z di SHIO-Z è apparso su il 2013-10-05 01:46:30