Sifone Lafricano - Rock N Roll GentleMan testo lyric


up on the first plain to see what's new
but the unkind fields show nothing
down a broken stair they still talk a bit
can't avoid to listen that voice feel
and what in hell are you planning to do for the rest of life
play guitar and sing till my heart beats slide on an odd time
jealous now and then of not existing things
of others way to think 'bout sex and druggin
helen says and asks what i do
to get along with an happy mood
improve ,my friend
get better
to change your road
when it starts to look like a dead end
and what in hell are you planning to do for the rest of life
play guitar and sing till my heart beats slide on an odd
time to stop and breath
play man paint it red please
chalks down on our street
right in time to save our spirit
time to stop and breath again
hey man paint it blue ,please
improve my friend
get better
to change your road
when it starts to look like a dead end
improve my friend
get better
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk
a better road for me to walk


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Rock N Roll GentleMan di Sifone Lafricano:


La canzone Rock N Roll GentleMan si trova nell'album Odd As Heart Beats uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Odd As Heart Beats, di Sifone Lafricano

L'articolo Sifone Lafricano - Rock N Roll GentleMan testo lyric di Sifone Lafricano è apparso su il 2014-07-23 12:50:17


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