Now I tell you that you are a dickhead, you're a fuckin' shit
Come and tell me,8re you afraid of fire, or of your own shadow?
I'm coming to you, I'm waiting for you I'm waiting, I wait!
Fuck bastard, I’ll break your ass, I’ll destroy you, now we're shooting you!
Piece of shit, where are you fuck running?
Maybe I have to shoot again!
So broken, so tired, so dead in your mind
You cannot escape now, you are trapped
Now that I can see your, your horrible eyes
In the palm of my hand, in the palm of my hand
I got you, don't say anything
1'11 take your skin, then I’ll take a beer with your head, on my belt!
I can kill you once slowly, so slowly!
Your blood is sliding down on me, I get another piece now!
Your blood sliding down, into the drains, maybe I’ll have lo kill again
So broken, so tired, so dead in your mind
You cannot escape now, you are trapped
Now that I can see your, your horrible eyes
In the palm of my hand, in the palm of my hand
So broken, so tired, so dead in your mind
You cannot escape now, you are trapped
Now that I can see your, your horrible eyes
In the palm of my hand, in the palm of my hand
Premi play per ascoltare il brano G.N. Your end di smackabbrit:
VIDEO G.N. Your end

La canzone G.N. Your end si trova nell'album Made in low Italy uscito nel 2010.

L'articolo smackabbrit - G.N. Your end testo lyric di smackabbrit è apparso su Rockit.it il 2012-09-12 15:33:10