I saw her at night club, before I was born
We held the hands, but we could not know
Know it’s all wrong. I’ve try to stop my dick
But it want to cum!!!
My life like her blood, goes away from her pussy
Flowing away, shit on the floor
Her lifeless body without soul, eyes wide open,
As you know, right?
That’s going to happen now?!
That’s going to happen tomorrow?!
do you want to kill me? Fuckin shit
That’s going to happen to me?!
I decide to fuck her one lost time
So I took a chainsaw and I cut some parts
While the radio was play that song
While the radio was playing
You are under my foots
That’s going to happen now?!
That’s going to happen tomorrow?!
do you want to kill me? Fuckin shit
That’s going to happen to me?!
Do you want to kill me? suck my dick!
Do you want to kill me? fuckin bitch!
Do you want to kill me? fuck you!
Premi play per ascoltare il brano How to kill a wife di smackabbrit:
VIDEO How to kill a wife

La canzone How to kill a wife si trova nell'album Made in low Italy uscito nel 2010.

L'articolo smackabbrit - How to kill a wife testo lyric di smackabbrit è apparso su Rockit.it il 2012-09-12 15:33:10