Try and mend a heart that's alive, you may need some wind.
A bottle of something in between some legs and the words co, co, come in.
Try and think a shove past downtown, still it's uncomfortably near,
the moon comes out like a midlle class beer.
Try and drag a car through the mud of a day at winters end,
the slush and grey have now become a friend.
Creeks peak neverland, crayfish cousin dying,
returned vets killing cops near where aunt is lying,
cool tan cool gun, Merica run run, grandma believed you so I'm your son, I'm your son.
Try and mend a heart that's alive, you may need some wind,
a bottle of something in between some legs and the words co, co, come in, come in.
Try and drag a car through the mud of a day at winters end,
the slush and grey have now become a friend.
Creeks peak neverland, crayfish cousin dying,
returned vets killing cops near where aunt is lying,
cool tan cool gun, Merica run run run, Merica run run, run run.
Try and think a shove past downtown, still it's uncomfortably near,
try and see the moon come out like a middle class beer. Like a middle class beer!
Try and be the wind my friend be a fool a few times, cant blame the fuckin car,
try and bend the things that got you downtown oh now that you got this far,
you've been a fool, you've been so cool,
Merica run run run run run run... Merica run!
Premi play per ascoltare il brano MERICA di SOCIALEYEZ:

La canzone MERICA si trova nell'album Merica uscito nel 2019 per Compagnia Nuove Indye (CNI), Hi-QU Music.

L'articolo SOCIALEYEZ - MERICA testo lyric di SOCIALEYEZ è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-09-03 11:37:10