So Does Your Mother - Gino's Kryptonite testo lyric


Gino is a Lycanthrope
That dance on a garbage can
In the morning he sleeps like a dog
In the night he dances like a man.

Under a Tiber’s bridge
He practices in the dark
But his rival is there to tease him
And Gino falls every laugh.

The Sharp Cat
Is Gino’s Kryptonite.
You can see them
Dancing in the night.

The Sharp Cat envies Gino
For his skills and agilty
He reminds when he was younger
When he could dance with ability.

Gino hates the Sharp Cat
He distracts him every night
Cause the Cat starts to laugh at
Every dance step he tries.

The Sharp Cat
Is Gino’s Kryptonite.
How he can
Stop falling till daylight.

"Go away!"
Gino says
To the Stupid Cat.

"I will stay!"
The Cat Says
To our poor friend.

The Sharp Cat
Is Gino’s Kryptonite.
You can see them
Dancing in the night.

Gino continues to dance and the
Sharp Cat continues to Laugh.

Gino continues to fall and the
Night is going to end.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Gino's Kryptonite di So Does Your Mother:


La canzone Gino's Kryptonite si trova nell'album Fac(e)ing The Animals uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album Fac(e)ing The Animals, di So Does Your Mother

L'articolo So Does Your Mother - Gino's Kryptonite testo lyric di So Does Your Mother è apparso su il 2015-09-21 15:42:53


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