Stoned Turtle - Blackout testo lyric


Thinking and believing we’re invincible
it turns out, we are not
you open up the door, there’s just silence outside
Your mind is driving you to the dark side

They're shutting off the lights all around yourself,
without the time to see, before Blackout is there
need a blind decision as long as you stand
but now it’s just too late 'cause you’re in hell

Following the path in the gloom of your life
Remembering by heart everything inside
Now you find a wall, it feels like it's over
A bolt appearing up there, getaway is closer


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Blackout di Stoned Turtle:


Today's society often forces us to make decisions without being able to think hard enough. We feel invincible until we are cornered and, at that point, we try to realize what is happening but we do not see anything, we do not understand what is happening.
The "lightning bolt" in the second verse, is the only hope we have but, at least, it's just an illusion


La canzone Blackout si trova nell'album Blackout uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Blackout, di Stoned Turtle

L'articolo Stoned Turtle - Blackout testo lyric di Stoned Turtle è apparso su il 2024-03-06 14:06:15


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