Stoned Turtle - Crazy For You testo lyric


You need someone who cares,
Someone to call when you're alone,
In the midst of the night
Or in the dark of the day
Fueling with the touch of the skin
Waiting for someone to break in
You don't belong to this world
So you're never going to be hurt

One, two, three, you'll be falling apart
And in four, five, six I'll be breaking your heart
Seven, eight, nine, you'll be falling in love
Ten, I'll be far away but I'll be crazy for...

In between the broken promises
You'll be dancing like a deaf man
Looking happy for no reason
But dying inside is like being in prison

One, two, three, you'll be falling apart
And in four, five, six I'll be breaking your heart
Seven, eight, nine, you'll be falling in love
Ten, I'll be far away but I'll be crazy for...

One, two, three, I'll be falling apart
And in four, five, six you'll be breaking my heart
Seven, eight, nine, i'll be falling in love
Ten, you'll be far away but I'll be crazy for you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Crazy For You di Stoned Turtle:


Crazy For You is about living while waiting to find someone leads you to suffer for love, just as when you then find that someone but try to reject them due to self-harm. You can hide your feelings until, in an internal countdown, they explode in all their emotional power.
Alessio plays the acoustic guitar in this song.


La canzone Crazy For You si trova nell'album Blackout uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Blackout, di Stoned Turtle

L'articolo Stoned Turtle - Crazy For You testo lyric di Stoned Turtle è apparso su il 2024-03-06 14:06:15


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