STREA - Hazel testo lyric

19/03/2024 - 19:35 Scritto da STREA STREA 1


You make me feel like crashing out today
And every time I call your name
It’s always late
You make me feel so empty and alone
When everything I wanna feel
is feeling safe
I saw the sunset while you were asleep
And everything feels like
The calm before the storm
If there’s a price in life we have to pay
I think I pay it Every time I don’t say no
I think I pay it Every time I feel so wrong
But there’s a place where I return when life moves too fast
(And) there are so many rooms
And I can always choose a new one
And the trees have grown so thick that I can lose myself
If the sky turns grey
Could I remain?
We all have corners where we hide ourselves
Where we can see outside but we cannot be found
We all need time to see that all has stopped
To feel lonely
And to mourn
To see that everything restarts
And to reborn
But there's a place where I return when life moves too fast
(And) there are so many rooms
And I can always choose a new one
And the trees have grown so thick that I can lose myself
If the sky turns grey
Could I remain?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Hazel di STREA:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Radici (di @rockitadmin con 859 brani), Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 1005 brani), Aere (di @rockitadmin con 853 brani), Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 925 brani)


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La canzone Hazel si trova nell'album Hazel uscito nel 2024 per vrecmusiclabel.

Copertina dell'album Hazel, di STREA

L'articolo STREA - Hazel testo lyric di STREA è apparso su il 2024-03-19 19:35:41


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