Sunmei - Walk In testo lyric

13/07/2023 - 15:44 Scritto da Sunmei Sunmei 3


Went all the way back
heavy in the let pass
hell i don’t wanna fall inward, undone
got a share, I need to carry it home

& if you lead in that path
If you hold that loathe alone

storing whats been sold
down and out
you’re on my mind


In your own time
Your amount to what you sow
Too many a cull
The let it go

In your own time
Cannot live on a prayer
Can we add up?
I’ll dress up the years
that you bare down

Just when I thought it wouldn’t last
a deeper run than i’d fend
So then i walked half way in
to stay in


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Walk In di Sunmei:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Radici (di @rockitadmin con 879 brani), Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 945 brani), Aere (di @rockitadmin con 871 brani), Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 1029 brani)


Written by Vittorio Venerus, Lorenzo Tre
Produced by Lorenzo Tre, Vittorio Venerus
Recorded at Hala Home Studio

Additional Production by Novecento
Mixed by Novecento

Vittorio Venerus: electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, piano, synth, sampling, programming, backing vocals
Lorenzo Tre: vocals, sampling, programming

Denis Carli: electric guitar, additional drums

Thomas Carli: drums

Michele Gallio: saxophone


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La canzone Walk In si trova nell'album Walk In uscito nel 2022 per Tune Core.

Copertina dell'album Walk In, di Sunmei

L'articolo Sunmei - Walk In testo lyric di Sunmei è apparso su il 2023-07-13 15:44:24


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