Suz - Wide Blue Yonder testo lyric

27/02/2023 - 13:47 Scritto da Suz Suz 7


Seen so many raging skies
still I can’t tell Levanter from Mistral
thus how could I predict a white squall welling up

Lashed and sucked in by riptides
dragged into deep abysses outta sight
now you could call me anything but weatherwise

I left the shore
eager to explore
the globe’s corners
on my unstable boat
uncaring ‘bout the rumbles from above

Tangled up in undertows
floundered hard
not to fall

Swallowed up in ocean holes
I held out
even though

Wading through the crashing swells
got rid of my naiveness and distress
I’m roving like a seasoned sailor at his helm

Hit by whirling waterspouts
thought I would not survive but I’m alive
heading for other havens worth a mooring line

Clambered aboard
heading seaward
resolute to set sail
to unknown coasts
into the wide blue yonder off I go

Tangled up in undertows
floundered hard
not to fall

Swallowed up in ocean holes
into the wide blue yonder off I go
into the wide blue yonder off I go


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wide Blue Yonder di Suz:


La canzone Wide Blue Yonder si trova nell'album Lacework uscito nel 2014 per Irma Records srl, Self Distribuzione S.p.A..

Copertina dell'album Lacework, di Suz

L'articolo Suz - Wide Blue Yonder testo lyric di Suz è apparso su il 2023-02-27 13:47:04


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