Swörn - Heb-Sed testo lyric

19/05/2022 - 10:12Scritto da Swörn Swörn0


Blue lotus burns
Its vapours fill the air
The sacred river whispering

The dusk creeps through the mist
Sweat drips upon his eyelids
While his body is laid down
We grin in ecstasy

His name will forever be

Bring the old gods in front of me

Bring the old gods in front of me
Let them meet their destiny
I will bound them to my will

I’m immortal
Let the slaughter begin
I’m the omen
I’m beyond

All silence falls, falls upon this earth


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La canzone Heb-Sed si trova nell'album Keshan uscito nel 2022 per I Dischi del Minollo, I Dischi del Minollo, Dotto, Dotto.

Copertina dell'album Keshan, di Swörn

L'articolo Swörn - Heb-Sed testo lyric di Swörn è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-05-19 10:12:21


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