Talkin' Chaos - Sit in silence testo lyric


Can you stay away from here
Cause I don't wanna hurt you with my emptiness and fears
I still love you but I don't feel the same
So let me solve my problems and then I can let you stay

Pink is your skin
Perfect and clean
Pink are my pills
Without them I disappear

Hold me close to your chest
Cause I wanna feel your heart and your breath

Can you stay away from here
Cause I don't wanna hurt you with my emptiness and fears
I still love you but I don't feel the same
So let me solve my problems and then I can let you stay

I sit in silence
I cry alone
I take prescriptions
Lost in my thoughts

I don't wanna die
But sometimes it’s in my thoughts
Maybe I could be happier
And do what I want

Can you stay away from here
Cause I don't wanna hurt you with my emptiness and fears
I still love you but I don't feel the same
So let me solve my problems and then I can let you stay


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sit in silence di Talkin' Chaos:


Tommaso Moretto - Voce
Giacomo Moserle - Chitarra
Lorenzo Stella - Basso
Jacopo Bidese - Batteria

Testo di Giacomo Moserle
Registrazione, mix e master di Tommaso Corrà

VIDEO Sit in silence

video frame placeholder


La canzone Sit in silence si trova nell'album Sit in silence uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Sit in silence, di Talkin' Chaos

L'articolo Talkin' Chaos - Sit in silence testo lyric di Talkin' Chaos è apparso su il 2025-02-20 01:00:20


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