Technoir - Fresh Air testo lyric

09/06/2023 - 14:09 Scritto da Technoir Technoir 6


We're right back where we started
two fireflies in a bottle
should have known
I give it all back

We're right back where we started
No way in, no way out of here
the wrong word
can drag me in a fight

You're like fresh air
You're like a new friend
You're like fresh air
You're like fresh air
You're like a new friend
I'd give it all back

We're right back where we started
Two fireflies in a bottle
Should have known
I'd give it all back

We're right back where we started
No way in, no way out of here
the wrong word
can drag me in a fight

You're like fresh air
You're like a new friend
You're like fresh air
You're like fresh air
You're like a new friend
I'd give it all back


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Fresh Air di Technoir:


La canzone Fresh Air si trova nell'album AFTER MATH uscito nel 2023 per Kengah Records, Awal, The Orchard / Sony.

Copertina dell'album AFTER MATH, di Technoir

L'articolo Technoir - Fresh Air testo lyric di Technoir è apparso su il 2023-06-09 14:09:06


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