Thanatos - Undead.Unholy.Divine testo lyric


The order of the Teutonic knights,
Crusaders known for their cruelty
Slaughtering villages, Impaling their victims,
To terrorize the population
Their 'Black Cross' inspired the SS
To their use of the iron cross
As they prepared for....war....

A gothic cathedral built upon
The corpses of a thousand non-believers

A cosmic design beyond our knowledge,
Demonic forces inherit the cathedral

Galloping hooves of the undead steeds
Still echo in the church

A cross-shaped gateway to the underworld,
A pathway to the beyond

From their unholy tombs the tortured souls arise
The dawn of Satan's age....
Fire, lust and rage have arrived....


La canzone Undead.Unholy.Divine si trova nell'album Undead.unholy.divine uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Thanatos - Undead.Unholy.Divine testo lyric di Thanatos è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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