the end of june - up here testo lyric


There is nothing left up here
where the noises of the city fade away
and I know I wan't fall asleep tonight
has been that way for ages
I get used to everything

what's the problem here
just tell me, I beg you
be honest and tell me

Communication's lost
it seems insane to me
whatever it was that we had has gone
has gone, has gone, has gone,
I'm done. It' took too long
for me to get to understand my faults

what's the problem here
just tell me, I beg you
be honest and tell me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano up here di the end of june:


La canzone up here si trova nell'album The wasted years uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album The wasted years, di the end of june

L'articolo the end of june - up here testo lyric di the end of june è apparso su il 2024-11-25 12:30:44


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