The Leaf - Black Magic testo lyric

29/04/2024 - 13:41 Scritto da The Leaf The Leaf 1


Black Magic

In the book of tears and blood it's stated:
“In the place closest to the heart of the earth
Cast pain and bones, fear and tears,
Then call upon the earth
So that the molten rock can solidify.”.

I have crossed mists, forests, snows and deserts,
Diseases, beasts, cold and thirst,
Keeping what remains of the sacrifice.

I am asked to shed the pain,
But without it I would feel empty,
I am asked to shed the fear
And now It's more than ever.
I would like to drown my doubt in the fire
To have you with me for a moment.
I would like to return to our embrace
Stay there forever and avert this pain.

I have been here on the cliff for some time
Stare at the lava,
I see my self-seeking reflected
In this mirror of world’s blood

The crater as a frame
Of an open wound of this earth
And I don't feel like violating this beauty,
To have you back .

(Would be asking too much.)

I am asked to shed the pain,
But without it I would feel empty,
I am asked to shed the fear
And now It's more than ever.
I would like to drown my doubt in the fire
To have you with me for a moment.
Then I drown myself, I throw pain and fear
Into a cauldron of bones and tears.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Black Magic di The Leaf:


La canzone Black Magic si trova nell'album Black Magic uscito nel 2023 per FUGA.

Copertina dell'album Black Magic, di The Leaf

L'articolo The Leaf - Black Magic testo lyric di The Leaf è apparso su il 2024-04-29 13:41:33


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