it’s lesson of life
that no matter how much you want
some things are always
gonna run away
and i know how u feel
more than i understand myself
but it’s so hard to be cool
with u in my memory
it’s lesson of life
that no matter how much you want
some things are always
gonna run away
and i know how u feel
more than i understand myself
but it’s so hard to be cool
with u in my memory
And I can’t hold this fire
That I have
I wanna feel it
I wanna feel this song
It’s like a Heart
Whom lives by the stars
I wanna feel it
Beneath my very touch
it’s lesson of life
that no matter how much you want
some things are always
gonna run away
and i know how u feel
more than i understand myself
but it’s so hard to be cool
with u in my memory
it’s lesson of life
that no matter how much you want
some things are always
gonna run away
and i know how u feel
more than i understand myself
but it’s so hard to be cool
with u in my memory
it’s lesson of life
that no matter how much you want
some things are always
gonna run away
and i know how u feel
more than i understand myself
but it’s so hard to be cool
with u in my memory
it’s lesson of life
that no matter how much you want
some things are always
gonna run away
and i know how u feel
more than i understand myself
but it’s so hard to be cool
with u in my memory
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Lesson Of Life di The Orange Cave :
"Lesson of Life", tratto da NightVision dei The Orange Cave, esplora l’accettazione delle cose che sfuggono al nostro controllo. Con versi come "It’s lesson of life that no matter how much you want, some things are always gonna run away", il brano riflette sulla lotta interiore tra desiderio e realtà, mentre il narratore cerca di affrontare le proprie emozioni senza supporto.
Musicalmente essenziale, con chitarre leggere e un’atmosfera intima, il pezzo lascia spazio alla forza emotiva del testo, culminando nel ritornello: "And I can’t hold this fire that I have, I wanna feel it, I wanna feel this song." Un inno alla crescita personale, nato dall’accettazione e dal confronto con il proprio fuoco interiore.
La canzone Lesson Of Life si trova nell'album Nightvision uscito nel 2024.
L'articolo The Orange Cave - Lesson Of Life testo lyric di The Orange Cave è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-12-05 12:20:31