The Whistling Heads - Peaceful Warning testo lyric


What if we believe
What if we believe in something that is not true
Not conventionally true

What if we drive
What if we go away with cheap car s
And drink simple cocktails
I will come to you
I will come to you with a peaceful warning
Peaceful warning

Please don't ever change
Please don't ever change

And both our hands are tired
Both our hand are tired to
Wave for help wave for help
I believe in love
I believe in love
But I can't find it anywhere
Anywhere I go
I will come to you
I will come to you
With a peaceful warning
Peaceful warning

Please don't ever change
Please don't ever change

Please don't ever change
Not a single time
Don't ever change
I will find a way


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Peaceful Warning di The Whistling Heads:


Peaceful Warning shows the softer, more vulnerable, but still scratchy and dynamic side of their sound. In the alternation of loud phrasing and melodic refrains, Peaceful Warning sounds like a call to be oneself and to never change, despite the mutability of everything that surrounds us....


La canzone Peaceful Warning si trova nell'album Dull Boy uscito nel 2023 per Disasters By Choice, Goodfellas.

Copertina dell'album Dull Boy, di The Whistling Heads

L'articolo The Whistling Heads - Peaceful Warning testo lyric di The Whistling Heads è apparso su il 2024-02-18 11:33:53


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