The Whistling Heads - Teenage Cliché testo lyric


I'm living the teenage cliché
Too young to understand all the things you said
And I'm no worried about complications
I live my life like an hallucination
I feel like I'm part of this nation
Full of pigs that can't have an erection
Sometimes I cry in your bed
I cry until my eyes are all red
I'm about to show you my teenage teenage cliché

I don't know when I'll be free

You're living inside a prison
You said you want it and I don't know the reason
You love your girlfriend but you want a threesome
You're going away from school
And all the people think you're really cool
You're about to show them your teenage teenage teenage cliché

Teenage cliché teenage cliché…
I'm living the teenage teenage…


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Teenage Cliché di The Whistling Heads:


Teenage Cliché fast, fresh and edgy, brisk and dodgy, quivers like a carefree kid sneaking around responsibilities, just two minutes that stick like gum under the desk, as short and insatiable as the interval you wish would never end....

The graceful song form represents in a verve that pure sense of evaporating idealism, a track you could listen to to the point of exasperation because of its potential structure and the leisurely moments it offers while never concealing that veil of restlessness, disorder and dissatisfaction...

VIDEO Teenage Cliché

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La canzone Teenage Cliché si trova nell'album Dull Boy uscito nel 2023 per Disasters By Choice, Goodfellas.

Copertina dell'album Dull Boy, di The Whistling Heads

L'articolo The Whistling Heads - Teenage Cliché testo lyric di The Whistling Heads è apparso su il 2024-02-18 11:33:53


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