The Whistling Heads - TV Show testo lyric


Blue is the color of you
Inside the TV show
Your face is what they need to taste
What they need to go through
And you hate what they need to say about the fake smile you do

It's a game of love
It's a game of sex
It's a game of love
It's a game of sex

Your breast what they want to touch
You don't really care too much
Your dress is like a mess
But you seem unimpressed
I know the gloom inside of you and what you need to go through

It's a game of love
It's game of sex
It's a game of love
It's game of sex

Blue is the color of you
Inside the TV show
Your face what I need to see
To know where I want to be
Where I want to be


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TV Show is the perfect conclusion to Dull Boy, fast and danceable with a veiled message that is extremely topical.

The track is characterised by a sombre atmosphere, but in its rhythm shows the group's Mediterranean warmth.

The lyrics criticise the obsession with appearances that grips modern entertainment, starting with a zoom on the fake smile of an objectified showgirl, but as the zoom slowly fades out from its subject, it allows a glimmer of hope to be seen behind the fog of falsehood.


La canzone TV Show si trova nell'album Dull Boy uscito nel 2023 per Disasters By Choice, Goodfellas.

Copertina dell'album Dull Boy, di The Whistling Heads

L'articolo The Whistling Heads - TV Show testo lyric di The Whistling Heads è apparso su il 2024-02-18 11:33:53


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