The Crooks - Please believe me testo lyric

10/10/2022 - 18:10 Scritto da The Crooks The Crooks 1



I was reading in a book:
"what you get is only the buzz"
There you go
Once inside it's really unlike
I was down in the suburbs waiting for ghosts
to wave down

One day you'll save my soul
when things will be so rough
Yeah one day some may say
but don't tell me it's all right
tonight I'm gonna lose my mind

Please believe me
I was trying to catch my dreams
Don't deceive me
'cause I'm bound to misery
once again

I was trying to fix my mind
watching the news and what's behind
(I) won that some but lose it all
I was chasing the numbers
waiting at the edge of the night
and it's dawn

One day you'll save my soul
when things will be so rough
Yeah one day some may say
but don't tell me it's all right
tonight I'm gonna lose my mind

Please believe me
I was trying to blink my eyes
Don't deceive me
'cause I'm bound to misery
once again


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Please believe me di The Crooks:


La canzone Please believe me si trova nell'album Mediacracy uscito nel 2022 per Maninalto!, Semplicemente Dischi, Professional Punkers, ProRawk.

Copertina dell'album Mediacracy, di The Crooks

L'articolo The Crooks - Please believe me testo lyric di The Crooks è apparso su il 2022-10-10 18:10:43


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