The Shalalalas - Capel testo lyric


Capel my old friend, Capel do it again
put on an accent for any country's slang
and ride your bike across the entire town

you can move every single muscle of your body
so when you dance you look just like a super lizard

Capel my old friend, Capel do it again
you know by heart the dates of birth of all your friends
of their parents, their grandparents and uncles too
you're the only one that treats with savoir fare
all the nosy old bags of your neighborhood

We love your funny faces and your generosity
we like your crazy voices and your mad way of being

Capel my old friend, Capel do it again
you wake up every day at 2 pm
and you never go to sleep before dawn
you can play the drums like John Bonzo Bonham
and every kind of tool is magic in your hands

We love your funny faces and your generosity
we like your crazy voices and your mad way of being


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Capel di The Shalalalas:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: The shalalalas Band (di @Sili con 14 brani), Maga (di @maga con 19 brani), allieva 4 (di @fiorentinidaniela con 1 brani), allieva 5 (di @fiorentinidaniela con 1 brani)


La canzone Capel si trova nell'album There are 3 las in Shalalalas uscito nel 2014 per Bassa Fedeltà.

Copertina dell'album There are 3 las in Shalalalas, di The Shalalalas

L'articolo The Shalalalas - Capel testo lyric di The Shalalalas è apparso su il 2025-01-29 10:02:51


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