The Shalalalas - Sonic Love testo lyric


Miss Gordon, Miss Gordon
now tell me where you've been
my darlin' Gordon

In our town, in our town
we always have to put
our dirty boots on

'cause when i'm going to miss the train
on those days i'm running late
all the moments far away
from the audience and the stage
i know you'll be there

Hey Thurston, hey Thurston
now tell me where you've been
my darlin' Thurston

With our songs, with our songs
well, we could surely leave
the candle light on

'cause when i'm going to miss the train
on those days i'm running late
all the moments far away
from the audience and the stage
i know you'll be there


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sonic Love di The Shalalalas:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: The shalalalas Band (di @Sili con 14 brani), Maga (di @maga con 19 brani)


La canzone Sonic Love si trova nell'album There are 3 las in Shalalalas uscito nel 2014 per Bassa Fedeltà.

Copertina dell'album There are 3 las in Shalalalas, di The Shalalalas

L'articolo The Shalalalas - Sonic Love testo lyric di The Shalalalas è apparso su il 2025-01-29 10:02:51


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