THE KLYSTRON - DOWN! testo lyric


This is the story of a guy
who aimed to be a great lover

His name was Tom and he was,
was living in a small tower

Had coming out in a cold bad day during last winter
(was searching for a new girl to invite to dinner)

Diabolic and evil sort
of new, great investigation

he was so sure to find HER
to join this pure alienation

But in the town near the lake he was stopped by a girl
(a fascinating girl who stared (into) his soul and eyes)

and Tom forgot to be a great lover
hunter and booty like no other

until the girl looking at him revealed
a secret blowing through out her red lips:

“But in my handkerchief You can find only dirt money
(no tracks of tears spilled for love in time)”

The story tells that crude words
can ruin a dream in few seconds

Truth is the limit between
a fearful nightmare and pleasure

DOWN!, DOWN! (2x)

...........until the girl (who was) looking at him took up a face glance
...........Just like a fresh brook that quenches a thirsty field

DOWN! DOWN! (2x)

“Incomplete - love - needs - true - beginning,

Do- you - believe this - is a - chance –
we should try, we should try, we should try, we should try!!”

(Voices & laughs)

“Incomplete - love - needs - true - beginning,

Do- you - believe this - is a - chance –
we should try, we should try, we should try, we should try!!”

and Tom forgot to be a great lover
clumsiness and fear his new behaviour AD LIBITUM

(third female voice)
This is the story of a guy
who aimed to be a great lover

His name was Tom and he was,
was living in a small tower


Premi play per ascoltare il brano DOWN! di THE KLYSTRON:


La canzone DOWN! si trova nell'album TIME PRESSES uscito nel 2014.

Copertina dell'album TIME PRESSES, di THE KLYSTRON

L'articolo THE KLYSTRON - DOWN! testo lyric di THE KLYSTRON è apparso su il 2015-11-30 11:15:54


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