The Rideouts - Perfect Man testo lyric


People’ve been saying that you are high quality
And at the same time you behave with modesty
Well, that sounds like you are the perfect man for me
Could you make me the lady I would like to be?

Light my fire, my desire and you could be all mine
Be my present, lifetime present, a love that’s just divine

I’ve always wanted to find my own Prince Charming
Who’d give me love, respect and could be quite caring
Well, I suppose you are the perfect man to be
What I’ve been looking for, tell me, do you agree?

Light my fire, my desire and you could be all mine
Be my present, lifetime present, a love that’s just divine


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Perfect Man di The Rideouts:


Parole e musica: Massimiliano Scherbi
Massimiliano Scherbi: cori, chitarre, basso, tastiere, percussioni
Michela Grilli: voci
Federico Gullo: batteria, percussioni
Kick Horns: sezione fiati


La canzone Perfect Man si trova nell'album Perfect Man uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Perfect Man, di The Rideouts

L'articolo The Rideouts - Perfect Man testo lyric di The Rideouts è apparso su il 2024-10-19 21:53:40


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