The Singers - English Strawberry testo lyric


Don't mind like you've never been chosen like you've never been cheated on no matter what you are
I'm tellin' you I know what it means when you cry loud what it means when you drive so fast
I really can't get you
I know you know things I don't know if I could let you in I know things you know me
They say It's a matter of patience It's a matter of who you are and why things are going badly
I'm tellin you I know I can't even look closer can't even look my eyes are close and my heart is lazy
you know it's true


Premi play per ascoltare il brano English Strawberry di The Singers:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: importata (di @alessiapaulone con 3 brani), senza nome (di @volpeseven con 1 brani)


La canzone English Strawberry si trova nell'album The Room Went Black uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album The Room Went Black, di The Singers

L'articolo The Singers - English Strawberry testo lyric di The Singers è apparso su il 2013-10-15 17:32:05


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