The Tangram - Magical testo lyric


"I confess
I lay low
Just like some dogs in a mad world
I saw you run away what are you running from?
You cut like a razor
I won’t let go
I can’t let go

Standing in the crowd you’re so beautiful
I can see the sky through an open door
I drank too much tonight hate to see you go
Let’s pretend we never met
You already know
Cause you’re so magical
You’re magical

I’ll try to feel
How you feel
I’ll try to live forever
But the end is near
I saw you run away what are you running from?
You cut like a razor
I won’t let go
I can’t let go

Standing in the crowd you’re so beautiful
I can see the sky through an open door
I drank too much tonight hate to see you go
Let’s pretend we never met
You already know
Cause you’re so magical
You’re magical

Pretend we never met
I hate to see you go
Pretend we never met
I hate to see you go"


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Magical di The Tangram:


La canzone Magical si trova nell'album Cosmic Fruits uscito nel 2021 per Irma Records srl.

Copertina dell'album Cosmic Fruits, di The Tangram

L'articolo The Tangram - Magical testo lyric di The Tangram è apparso su il 2021-11-29 13:46:02


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