The Vickers - Silence testo lyric


How can I sleep tonight
How can I close my eyes
I’m waiting just for a new
Maybe waiting just for you
‘Cause I’m very tired of your silence
All your words are an empty cry
I call your name but you are another nightmare
All your lies are butterflies on me
Tell me all your dirty secrets please
Send me a postcard from your hidden place
Write me a letter about your disgrace
‘Cause I’m very tired of your silence
All your words are an empty cry
I call your name but you are another nightmare
‘Cause I’m very tired of your silence
All your words are an empty cry
I call your name but you are another nightmare
‘Cause I’m very tired of your silence
All your words are an empty cry
I call your name but you are another


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Silence di The Vickers:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: importata (di @madresuperiora con 35 brani)


La canzone Silence si trova nell'album Keep Clear uscito nel 2009 per Foolica Records, Halidon.

Copertina dell'album Keep Clear, di The Vickers

L'articolo The Vickers - Silence testo lyric di The Vickers è apparso su il 2016-11-28 14:55:57


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