The Vickers - Wait Me Out testo lyric


Wait me out, light another cigarette
I’ll take you down and I’ll show you what I can
Don’t go home reading stupid magazines
Wait me out and I’ll show you who I am
Wake me up, I’m falling down
Isn’t easy to come around
Everyday such a shame
I don’t know what went wrong
Wait me out, light another cigarette
I’ll take you down and I’ll show you what I can
Don’t go home reading stupid magazines
Wait me out and I’ll show you who I am
Shake me up, I lost the touch
Once I used to cut a dash
Now everyday I feel insane
I don’t know what went wrong
Wait me out, light another cigarette
I’ll take you down and I’ll show you what I can
Don’t go home reading stupid magazines
Wait me out and I’ll show you who I am
Wait me out, light another cigarette
I’ll take you down and I’ll show you what I can
Wait me out, wait me out
Wait me out, light another cigarette
Wait me out, wait me out, wait me out


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wait Me Out di The Vickers:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Storica playlistona (di @pons con 35 brani), importata (di @drita87 con 332 brani), importata (di @ipnos con 1014 brani)


La canzone Wait Me Out si trova nell'album Fine For Now uscito nel 2011 per Foolica Records, Halidon.

Copertina dell'album Fine For Now, di The Vickers

L'articolo The Vickers - Wait Me Out testo lyric di The Vickers è apparso su il 2016-11-28 14:55:57


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