You don't have to worry of the beating
You don't have to worry of the breathing
You don't have to worry of the feelings
You don't have to worry of the dreaming
And soon the noisy feeling become a beating
And soon the noisy dreaming become a noisy breathing
And soon the noisy feeling become a beating
And soon the noisy dreaming become a noisy breathing
It's just the evolution
that brings us to perfection
here we can control you
no feelings no reaction
It's just the evolution
that brings us to perfection
here we can control you
no dreaming no expression
Our revolution brings to you protection
Erase the question
Delete the profitless
There won’t any exception
Be normal, be oppression
Bit is ciphering now
Bit is ciphering now
Bite is closed in mouth
Bite is closed in mouth
Bit is ciphering now
Bit is ciphering now
Bite is closed in mouth
Bite is closed in mouth
And it comes out
And it comes out
And it comes out
And it comes out
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Machines are coming di Thing Mote:
L’inesorabile avanzata della “macchinizzazione” umana. Il tendere ad un’esclusione progressiva di ostacoli propri dell’uomo (“feelings”, “dreaming”) in favore dell’efficienza e dell’utilità (“beating”, “breathing”) propri della macchina.
Il risultato è un conformismo, una perfezione impossibile da raggiungere che rende facile il controllo di questa falsa evoluzione-rivoluzione.
Le macchine non stanno arrivando, le macchine sono già qui.
Voce Principale: Giuliano Fasoli
Seconda Voce: Tommaso Zanardi
Testo: Giuliano Fasoli
La canzone Machines are coming si trova nell'album Robokiller uscito nel 2020 per Cabezon Records, Artist First.

L'articolo Thing Mote - Machines are coming testo lyric di Thing Mote è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-05-02 18:10:37