Tight Eye - L.L.D. testo lyric

07/02/2016 - 12:46 Scritto da Tight Eye Tight Eye 15


You’re sleeping next to me and the dark walls suffocate my breath
I feel alone like I’ve never been
even if you’re near me the more I write the less I understand
our love long distance

The more I think the less I live
the more I stay with you
the more I miss you

So you treat me badly
you don’t deserve me
but I don’t really care and I’m still beside you

you think you’re right and I’m so stuck
you want to push me out of the door,
out of your head but I’m still stuck
my feet became roots that fed on you
but you tore them out and broke the spell
no more light the spark is gone

I’m sleeping next to you and the blue skies suffocate me too
I feel alone like I’ve never been
even if I’m near you the more we talk the less we can go on
with our long romance

The more I think the less i live
the more I stay with you
the more I miss you

So you treat me badly you don’t deserve me
but I don’t really care and I’m one step back away from you
you think you’re right but you’re just stuck
I want to push you out of the door
out of my head, I won’t turn it back
my arms become wings that sweep away everything
you can’t break them this is the end
no more holding back the bird has flown


Premi play per ascoltare il brano L.L.D. di Tight Eye:


La canzone L.L.D. si trova nell'album Forget-me-not uscito nel 2015 per We Were Never Being Boring .

Copertina dell'album Forget-me-not, di Tight Eye

L'articolo Tight Eye - L.L.D. testo lyric di Tight Eye è apparso su Rockit.it il 2016-02-07 12:46:54


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