Tijuana Horror Club - The Hemp Fandango testo lyric


Well, I traveled the world
to put on this show
full of creatures comin' from the unknown
Built this circus and gone
down all over the road
but you want to see the blood
So let's hang the neck of a clown
his life depends on you now
We got a seven foot woman
and a snake lost around
the charmer has been killed
didn't enchant the crowd
We got a big and strong man
and a dwarf-sized clown
a two-headed dog
always scretchin' the ground
but you want to see the hanging-clown
his life depends on you now, oh, thumbs down

In the hell there's a place
for folks like you all
where they tear apart your souls
but you payed the ticket
you got to have the show
and I swear there will be blood
so let's hang the neck of a clown
his life depends on you now, oh, thumbs down

Now pick up your phones
put it in selfie mode
see the rope around your neck
What happen now? Here we're hanging a clown
but I guess you won't be glad
They all enjoy hanging a clown
and your life depends on 'em now, oh, thumbs down


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Hemp Fandango di Tijuana Horror Club:


JOEY GAIBINA (vocals, guitars),
Music by Alberto Ferrari, lyrics by Joey Gaibina


La canzone The Hemp Fandango si trova nell'album The Big Swindle uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album The Big Swindle, di Tijuana Horror Club

L'articolo Tijuana Horror Club - The Hemp Fandango testo lyric di Tijuana Horror Club è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-06-21 13:52:40


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