Tomorrow Forever è un progetto shoegaze pop da Sanremo, nato a scopi benefici. La band è composta da Alberto e Francesco Battaglia, ai quali si aggiungono diversi altri ospiti. Tutto il ricavato di questo EP sarà devoluto all'Unicef.
Alberto Battaglia (1989, chitarra, voce, basso), già membro di alcune band milanesi (Dirty Pulp Theatre, Mystic Morning), ha coinvolto il fratello Francesco (1994, voce, chitarra) in una libera dimensione creativa diversa da quella del gruppo, ma anche da quella del solista.
Il loro primo lavoro è un EP omonimo (in uscita il 22 settembre 2017) che si confronta con sentimenti intimi e che fa propri numerosi stili dall'aroma innegabilmente 90s. Lo shoegaze, in primo luogo, ma anche il brit rock e il jangle pop. In nessun caso, però, è possibile ricondurre questa sintesi in un modello univoco. Tomorrow Forever, infatti, non suona come un omaggio al passato, anche perché, sotto la densa coltre delle chitarre, in realtà si cela un approccio da cantautore.
In bilico fra sentimenti diversi, questo lavoro si apre con la grazia di un amore corrisposto, “Young Hearts”, per poi lanciarsi nella solarità di “Do You Feel”, alla ricerca della colonna sonora ideale per un viaggio di formazione a contatto con la natura, a cavallo fra madchester, jangle pop e shoegaze. Con “Don't Throw it Away” il suono si distende fra i risonanti accordi della Rickenbacker, qui prestati a un contesto del tutto onirico e romantico. Alla coppia conclusiva sono affidati, invece, i momenti più drammatici di Tomorrow Forever. “Dropping Down”, un brano sospeso fra impeto e stasi, immagina l'intorpidimento delle emozioni che accompagna la vecchiaia. L'essenziale “Your Heart Is Yawning”, infine, conclude l'EP elevando dal sentimento della solitudine, l'ultimo, insperato slancio.
La data di uscita dell'Ep, è prevista per il 22 settembre, su tutti canali digitali.
Di seguito, i testi di ciascun brano.
You appeared me
As a breeze over
A Thousand miles of stones
And you Made Them
Soft as snow
Falling slow
You took me
Then you sang
Your melody
From your childhood
And I caught you
With my hands
With my soul
Show me what you dream
To desire
In your life
And tell me you don't need
Anymore to be
Someone who's not you
Because We speak with a
Breath of our young hearts
And you can understand it
By closing your eyes
I heard you
Looking through
Transparent minds
They never lied
And They told me
We are free
We are true
I touched you
On The splendor
Of your lips
Disclosed for me
And Suddenly
From two sounds
Show me what you dream
To desire
In your life
And tell me you don't need
Anymore to be
Someone who's not you
Because We speak with a
Breath of our young hearts
And you can understand it
By closing your eyes
Look at the sun light
It's time to open your eyes
Do we have any cigarette to fire?
It is like five years or so
Since I had such a beautiful flow
Now I feel the time is right to go
I feel vibrations from the sky
I Ain't got no shadows on my mind
Do you feel what I feel
When you're running with the wind?
We'd been marching for a week
You know, this road has its beat
Can you put the cassette player on?
There's a lake I wanna go
It's a gem but we gotta walk
In its waters you can reflect your soul
I feel vibrations from the sun
When nature and men are just one
Do you feel what I feel
When you are setting your spirit free?
Do you feel what I feel?
Do you feel what I feel?
Our blindness
As we call it
Our goddess
Till we are young
Our goddess
It's what we've got
And surrender
As we are breathing
As we can feel it
As we believe in it
As I believe in it
Don't throw this away
By Waking up
From this dream
I wanna sleep
In this dream
Why should we throw this away?
I gaze at
Your childness
As you kiss
My sadness just for a while
My sadness it's gonna
Die, and surrender
As we are breathing
As we can feel it
As we believe in it
As I believe in it
Don't throw this away
By Waking up
From this dream
I wanna sleep
In this dream
Why should we throw this away?
How pure is the air
As I go through the way
But years are not the same
My skin keeps many Suns
As I hear a million swans
Singing along my life
When its time is dropping down
When its time is dropping down
My eyes
Are dull
My minds
Are numb
I dried up all the tears
I got over my fears
But it's like a frozen field
It's killing the grass beneath
The shell of my soul
It's getting old and old
Will you kiss me one last time?
Will you kill me otherwise?
I see you
I hear you
I crave my peace
I pray on my knees
So that I find another place
To feel again that grace
I met with my warm blood
That seems so far and far
Away from these days
Away from my name
I breathe
I breathe
I'm licking a wall
I'm raping a doll
Isolation, isolation
I'm cutting the sky
I'm kissing a knife
Desperation, desperation
My tongue is burning
Your heart is yawning
As I feel I was wrong
I don't want to go on
The ground is smooth
And so sweet the truth
Isolation, isolation
Clouds made of stone
Echoes taste of bone
Desperation, desperation
My tongue is burning
Your heart is yawning
As I feel I was wrong
I don't want to go on

Tomorrow Forever - EP
Tomorrow Forever
Engineered and mixed by: Francesco Genduso at Onda Studio, Imperia (Italy).
Mastered by: Andy "Hippy" Baldwin at Metropolis Mastering, London (Uk).