Traum Jesters - Let It Be Chaos testo lyric


You make me forget gentleness
You make me forget respect
You make me forget that the only escape is love

As I see you struggling
I realize you’re all failing
As I see you screaming
I just want you to die

I love you all
And it kills me
I hate you all
I’d like to kill you

You make me forget who I am
And life seems meaningless
You make the darkness so thick
This world’s lost

As I see you trying so hard
I understand there’s no way out
As I see you going down
I think it’s well deserved

I love you all
And it kills me
I hate you all
I’d like to kill you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Let It Be Chaos di Traum Jesters:


La canzone Let It Be Chaos si trova nell'album Let It Be Chaos uscito nel 2023 per CD Baby.

Copertina dell'album Let It Be Chaos, di Traum Jesters

L'articolo Traum Jesters - Let It Be Chaos testo lyric di Traum Jesters è apparso su il 2023-04-12 15:25:07


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