Traum Jesters - The Way I Stick To My Ideas testo lyric


The way I stick to my ideas
It’s like I’ll never ever change
I don’t want to understand you

The way I stick to my ideas
I’ll hammer my view into you
I just want to finish my speech

The way I stick to my ideas
I’m looking for more followers
I wanna lead the cult of me

The leader rules with no goal
Destroying becomes the point of all

The way I stick to my ideas
Just take my shit and say it’s true
I don’t want to hear about you

The way I stick to my ideas
The way you stick to your ideas
The way we stick to our ideas
Who’s gonna follow us?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Way I Stick To My Ideas di Traum Jesters:


La canzone The Way I Stick To My Ideas si trova nell'album Cruel uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Cruel, di Traum Jesters

L'articolo Traum Jesters - The Way I Stick To My Ideas testo lyric di Traum Jesters è apparso su il 2023-04-12 15:25:07


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