Tryptamin - Another Day on the Hillside testo lyric


Another day on the hillside
To find some peace of mind
Just a reprieve from the background noise
I’m not breaking down this time
Now that the storm is gone
I’m going to float away
Are you waiting for me
At the end of the day?
Another day on the hillside
Almost freezing time
And I believe that’s the perfect cure
Maybe we could sleep tonight
Sceneries miles away
They seem so close today
Throughout a cloudy sky
We can see the afterglow
You don't know the treasure kept inside you
It eludes you everytime
Gaze at the horizon one more time
All that fear is vanishing
Worries ‘bout tomorrow were just swept away
I just don’t know what to say
Worries ‘bout tomorrow were just swept away
I forgive everyone
In this gentle breeze under the warming sun
I just don't know what to say
Most important thing: I am with you today
In the very end I really found you
You don't even know how much I love you
You don’t know the treasure kept inside you


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Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Aere (di @rockitadmin con 751 brani)


La canzone Another Day on the Hillside si trova nell'album Piacenza, Wisconsin uscito nel 2023 per Believe, VISORY RECORDS SUISSE.

Copertina dell'album Piacenza, Wisconsin, di Tryptamin

L'articolo Tryptamin - Another Day on the Hillside testo lyric di Tryptamin è apparso su il 2023-10-10 09:18:04


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