Tryptamin - Armchair testo lyric


I’m alive if I got here
Someone’s been ahead of me
I’ve been cutting you into pieces
Discovering that you were a piece of me
I turn away, call me selfish
But finally I’m back again
You might say that I’m worth nothing
You’re wrong ‘cause I decoded all the rules
To stay inside the game

I am just a witness
Shadowlike and speechless
Crouched in my armchair
Far away from despair
Resin beads on steel knives
Passing through my whole life

Finally I'm back again

In your head
A made up brother can even smother / And leave you dead
You know very well / That heaven and hell are in your head
Complaints in my back / I felt like a wreck stranded in sand
Now I float in the air and I do not care / about the way I’ll land

Taming all these tigers in my head

I am just a witness

I wish I felt nothing
But I still feel something


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Armchair di Tryptamin :


La canzone Armchair si trova nell'album Monday Hangover uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Monday Hangover, di Tryptamin

L'articolo Tryptamin - Armchair testo lyric di Tryptamin è apparso su il 2023-10-10 09:18:04


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