Tryptamin - Girl Shaped Shell testo lyric


Your sweet smell has now gone / My dear I see you drop away
You long to be someone / So different from whatever you say

Justifying yourself / Falling down again
Justifying your shell / Falling asleep and falling in love again

Saw a different smile on your face
The bitter taste of my disgrace
Tried to recognize your face
Don’t know who you are by the way

Whatever you say

You long to be someone..

Taking all the time to know you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Girl Shaped Shell di Tryptamin :


La canzone Girl Shaped Shell si trova nell'album Monday Hangover uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Monday Hangover, di Tryptamin

L'articolo Tryptamin - Girl Shaped Shell testo lyric di Tryptamin è apparso su il 2023-10-10 09:18:04


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