Tryptamin - Mail Received at 4 am testo lyric


I wrote to you
It was late at night
Fingers tapping something on the keys
I don’t know what it could ever mean
I wrote to you
I was really high
Tried to cram the chaos within the lines
In the very end I feel quite fine

Sweat under a blanket of regrets
Shocks that make you toss and turn in bed
Sweat – sweat untill it runs you dry
Biting hard your pillow late at night

I caved in at dawn
Trying to be the one
That could tell you everything, everything

Night mail for you
It’s so cold outside
No more wood to feed the fireside
Just a foil where brown latex slides


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mail Received at 4 am di Tryptamin :


La canzone Mail Received at 4 am si trova nell'album Monday Hangover uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Monday Hangover, di Tryptamin

L'articolo Tryptamin - Mail Received at 4 am testo lyric di Tryptamin è apparso su il 2023-10-10 09:18:04


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