Tryptamin - Ten Years in One Day testo lyric


Close to bring all this drama to a close
Many times it’s just another dose
The closer I watch you the smaller you appear

Didn’t achieve perfection in anything
Didn’t reprieve my ego at all
Changing my direction in everything
But in the end I answered the call

Deeds do not have a name
We are always the same
No more need to allay
10 years passed in one day

Cold outside
Watching through the window I see you
but wait, that's me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ten Years in One Day di Tryptamin :

VIDEO Ten Years in One Day

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La canzone Ten Years in One Day si trova nell'album Monday Hangover uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Monday Hangover, di Tryptamin

L'articolo Tryptamin - Ten Years in One Day testo lyric di Tryptamin è apparso su il 2023-10-10 09:18:04


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