Tuesday's Cockroaches - Stinkbugs testo lyric


You smell like a stinkbug, but the rest is alright
No pesticide works on you and you seem satisfied
But I got a hidden tool you can't survive
I stink way worse than you
If you breathe you die

I saw you on the wall and I ran next door
My neighbours birthday party got out of control
I screamed "there's an invasion" no one would reply
They all had six arms and empty eyes

The engines of the car whispered smoke and mama
She was locked in her room watching Striporama
So I peeked from the keyhole
You won't guess what I've seen
She was twitching her antennas and her skin turned green

Well she sounds like a woman, but dances like a flea
Do the cricket mambo or the thermite twist
Come on
Bebop with the bee
Ramble with the bumble
We all belong to the same jungle


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Stinkbugs di Tuesday's Cockroaches:

VIDEO Stinkbugs

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La canzone Stinkbugs si trova nell'album Mr. Lady / Stinkbugs uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Mr. Lady / Stinkbugs, di Tuesday's Cockroaches

L'articolo Tuesday's Cockroaches - Stinkbugs testo lyric di Tuesday's Cockroaches è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-02-21 20:43:06


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